Blue spruce seeds

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Seeds (pack of 10).

Blue spruce (Picea pungens) is a large conifer that is deservedly considered the most beautiful among conifers. The unusual silvery color of the needles is due to the layer of wax released by the needles. Blue spruce is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the natural environment, the tree can grow up to 600-800 years. Blue spruce is very popular for growing in the form of bonsai.

 Seeds are soaked in a weak solution of manganese and dried on paper towels. They are then poured over with clean sand and placed in a closed container for 2-3 months in the fridge to undergo stratification.
Stratification accelerates germination of seeds and increases their resistance to disease.
Before sowing, the seeds are immersed in a nutrient solution of micronutrients for 12 hours.
Soil can be taken from a coniferous forest, add clean river sand, peat and coconut and disinfect everything. The container is 1/3 filled with a drainage mixture on 2/3 of the prepared substrate. Seeds are sunk into the wells at 15 mm, cover with foil or glass.
Sprouts appear in a week and a half to two weeks. Moisturize - pulverizer 2-3 times a day. The temperature is constant at +13-15 °C degrees. Light - scattered, protected from direct sunlight.
After a month of sprouts height should be about 30-40 mm.
When the seedlings get stronger, they are transplanted into pots with soil for conifers.
Transplanting by the method of transplanting, not more often than once every 2 years, in the spring.
Watering is regular and moderate, the substrate should always be moist. In wintering at a temperature close to zero, watering once a month, in a warmer room - 2 times a month.
The optimum temperature during growth +15-17 °C.
Spraying with soft water 2-3 times a week. Light for 12-14 hours.
It is necessary to provide an inflow of fresh air (draught is unacceptable). 

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