Baobab seeds

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Seeds (5 pieces per pack).

Baobab (Adansonia) - An unusually shaped tropical deciduous tree that grows to a height of 25 m or more. Old trees have an extremely thick trunk (up to 30 m in diameter), hollow inside, serving to store water (more than 100 tons!) and to use it up during droughts.  Baobabs reach an age of 4,000 to 5,000 years. It is impossible to determine the age of a tree by its annual rings, since they are absent. In Africa, the baobab is believed to preserve the earth, give life and fertility.

The baobab seeds have thick skin, so in order to help the seedlings penetrate, the upper layer should be filed or rubbed with sandpaper. Then the seeds are left to soak for a day in warm water, about 38-40 ºC (you can use a thermos).

After that you can plant them in the ground.  The pot should be large (per bucket), because the plant does not tolerate transplanting and slows growth. For the soil, a mixture of 50% pumice + 50% black peat is prepared.  Universal soil "for palm trees" can be used. Soil must be moist, but not damp, otherwise the seeds will rot. Drainage - pebbles, claydite.
Seeds germinate usually after 2 to 10 weeks. 
Spraying no more than once a week. Leaves can be wiped. Seedlings are recommended to treat with a spray-fungicide, so that fungi do not damage it. Placement on the sunny side (not in direct sun) or extra light 
From late summer to early spring, stop watering and keep the soil almost dry. Protect from frosts.
Repot the baobab no more than once every two years.

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