Hawthorn seeds

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Seeds (10 pieces per pack).

Hawthorn (Crataegus). A perennial shrub with fragrant flowers and bright red fruits, spectacular in bonsai styles. Its age in nature can reach 300 years. At the same time it is not demanding to the soil and unpretentious in care.

The plant has quite small leaves, slightly cracking bark and dense branching.
Hawthorn requires minimal care, but growing the plant from seed is a difficult, interesting and time-consuming process.

Stratification of hawthorn seeds is mandatory.
Seeds should first be checked by pouring water - the empty ones float, the good ones sink to the bottom.
The seeds should be washed, dried, mixed with river sand and peat, placed in a container, moisten and put in a room with a temperature of +20-25 °С for warm stratification, which lasts 4 months. The next stage - cold stratification at +5-7 °С above zero (the bottom shelf of a refrigerator or cellar. Keep the seeds for 3-6 months.
Planting is carried out in a pot with drainage and nutritious soil (peat, coarse sand, humus and leaf soil). Water the soil before sowing with boiling water or a weak solution of manganese solution. Put the pot in a warm place or a greenhouse. In the first year, usually 20-30% germinate, some only after a year and a half, after which the sprouts should be transplanted into pots with a well-drained soil mixture. Water once a day during the entire growing season. In winter, reduce watering, but do not allow the soil to dry out.
Repot every two to three years in the spring before growth begins.

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