Bonsai soil, Ref. 2920
Mineral soil for all bonsai types and especially deciduous
Kiryuzuna keeps small grains of acadamia from degrading, especially at low temperatures and as a result makes plant repotting time longer.
When the soil is drying out, the color of the soil changes from dark to light, which allows you to visually assess the necessary of watering.
Percentage volume ratio:
kiryuzuna : acadama - 50 : 50
pH 6.5 - 6.7
Kiryuzuna is a type of volcanic sand mined in Japan. It contains a large amount of iron oxide, thereby getting rid of chlorosis in plants. This soil has good breathability, porosity, water holding capacity and drainage. It is able to gradually give up nutrients and trace elements. On sale comes in the form of granules of different fractions from 1 to 6 mm. Does not decompose over time.
Does not tend to compact the soil and is very stable in structure, pH 6.5 - 6.8, root permeability is good, aeration is excellent.
Acadama is a natural clay mineral mined in Japan. After sieving and firing, it becomes hard. Depending on the water contained in the granules, the color changes from light brown to dark brown, which makes it easy to determine when watering is needed.
It is commercially available in granular form, with grain sizes from 1 to 25 mm. The smaller fraction should be removed by sieving before use. Stable for 2 to 3 years, then it must be replaced. Acadama resists pH variations and soil acidification.
Acadama properties differ depending on the fraction, type and firing temperature.It has excellent aeration, porosity, and root permeability. Water and nutrient retention is optimal, pH 6.5- 6.7.
Quality irrigation water prolongs the life of acadama.
Produced in Japan
The package contains 500 ml
When buying 2 or more packs, the price for each is 1,90 €