Japanese Azalea bonsai, Ref. 2493-5

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Japanese Azalea (Azalea japonica). Azalea is rightly called one of the most beautiful indoor plants, so it is very popular in the art of bonsai.
At home in China and Japan, azalea has symbolized a long and happy life since ancient times. The flowering plant is relaxing and comforting during cloudy winter days.
Its small size means it can be cultivated as a houseplant as well as a garden plant (rhododendron). The main difference between azaleas and rhododendrons is that azalea flowers have five stamens, while rhododendron flowers have seven or more.
The plant requires proper care and compliance with certain conditions.

Lighting. Scattered light or semi-shade. Protect from direct sunlight.

Humidity. From high to very high humidity. Necessary regular spraying twice a day when not flowering, during the bud-blooming period spraying should be stopped.

Watering. Neither overwatering nor stagnation of water in a container or a pot should be allowed. Water - raining, melted or in the extreme case of tap water. Flowers should not get water on them, otherwise they can start to blacken. We recommend acidifying the water (so that the acidity of the soil and flowering azalea was more intense and bright) ½ teaspoon of lemon juice per 1 liter of water. Water temperature - from room temperature to cool.
Loosening the soil is to be avoided as it leads to damage to the roots.
Lack of moisture in the soil and air can be indicated by sluggish, wrinkled or drooping leaves and buds.

Temperature. A comfortable temperature of 16-20 °C , during flowering or blooming 12-16 °C. Do not place the plant on a window sill over a radiator, protect it from drafts, in winter when airing should be removed to another room.

Soil. Azalea is one of the few houseplants that require acidic soil (pH 4 - 4.5). The best option is a mineral soil consisting of 100% Canuma or a mixture of Canuma and Kirusuna in a proportion of 3: 1, drainage - lava.

Formation. During the development stage of 3-4 pairs of leaves on the young shoots their tops are periodically pruned until buds appear on their ends again. The last pinching is carried out at the end of July or the beginning of August, but this time it is not necessary to pinch all shoots: only those that are strongly elongated are shortened. Pruning (pinching) the azalea is a technique that increases the intensity of flowering. If simultaneously with the formation of buds new shoots begin to grow near them, they should be removed. The more lush the bush, the weaker the flowering.

Flowering. Azalea first blooms at 3-4 years of age. Blossom occurs from 2 to 6 months from December to March, sometimes until April. To achieve abundant flowering from May you need to trim and prune the stems. The young shoots are plucked, leaving 4-5 leaves on them. If small young shoots appear near the flower buds, they are plucked.
Keep azaleas cool for long blooms. Flower buds produce 2-4 buds from each bud as they develop and swell. During flowering, all the blossoms should be removed immediately, then the azalea will bloom longer. As they bloom, the seed bolls are also removed.
Once the flowering azalea has stopped forming new buds and the flowers have begun to fade, you need to remove the yellowed leaves, cut back the weak and elongated shoots, and then remove all the flowers together with the pedicels.

Repotting. Young plants are transplanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years. The most suitable time for transplanting - immediately after the end of flowering..When transplanting azaleas is undesirable to violate the root ball, instead of transplanting is recommended transvaluation with the addition of fresh substrate.

Fertilization. Fertilizing in spring and summer 1 time per week, in autumn - during budding it's necessary to increase the content of potassium, in winter - 1 time per month.

Insects. Azalea is resistant to insects., but with insufficient watering and dry air may appear spider mites, bedbugs and moths making small punctures on the leaves of the plant and sucking the cell sap. If discolored spots and spider webs are formed on the leaves, you need to wash the leaves of azalea on all sides with a weak tobacco solution with a liquid detergent, the drug should not get into the soil. After 2-3 hours after treatment, the leaves of the azalea should be well washed with clean cold water.
It is also effective to dust with sulfur powder. Dusting and spraying should be carried out outside the house, outdoors. The interval between treatments is 7 to 10 days.

Age: 4 years. Height: 14 cm.

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