Lilac bonsai, Ref. 2849

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Lilac (Syringa Meyerii)"Palibin"

Age 3 years. Height 20 cm.

Lilac is a very popular ornamental shrub successfully grown as a bonsai. The aromatic flowers appear from May to June and have a dark purple-red color.

Lilacs are grown in full sun or partial shade. During the hottest weeks of summer, a little shade during midday and early afternoon is recommended, especially for small bonsai trees in shallow pots.

The soil should be kept slightly moist, avoiding complete drying out of the roots. Excessive moisture should be avoided. Lilacs prefer a pH between 5.5 and 7, but will tolerate some lime, so rainwater and regular tap water can be used. Use good drainage material to allow water to drain away from the container.

Normal room temperature in spring and summer, and from the second half of fall, you should reduce the temperature to 7-10 degrees Celsius heat.

Keep the soil moist, but do not overwater. During flowering and in cool weather, spraying is not done. During the resting period, water as the overlying soil dries out.

Keep the soil moist but do not overwater. Do not spray during flowering and in cool weather. During the dormant period, water as the top layer of soil dries out.

Use a balanced solid organic fertilizer once a month or a liquid fertilizer once a week during the growing season. A special preparation for flowering plants with a high phosphorus and potassium content can be used to stimulate flowering. Too much nitrogen will promote excessive shoot growth with long internodes and may reduce flowering readiness.

Repot every 2-3 years in the spring or fall to renew the soil and root system.
About one-third of the rhizome may be removed at this time. Older and larger specimens can be transplanted at longer intervals

Shaping and pruning:
When the young shoots elongate to three to four internodes, it is necessary to cut them to one pair of leaves. Leaves that are too large can be removed throughout the growing season. Pruning of large branches is best done in early spring. Young shoots can be gartered throughout the growing season. Detailed wiring of branches and twigs is best done during winter dormancy when leaves are out of the way. Older lilac branches become stiff and brittle and should be wire-wrapped with great care.Wintering

Lilac bonsais need protection from frosts.
Cold wintering at + 0 to +12°C or in a frost sheltered room. Air humidity - not lower than 60%.

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