Paciprese bonsai, Ref. 2817

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Paciprese (Chamaecyparis)

Age 3 years. Height 30 cm.

An evergreen, graceful coniferous plant growing in forests of Taiwan, Japan and North America. A popular choice for bonsai growing.

From +18ºC to +23ºC heat is recommended. If the temperature rises, humidification measures and fresh air supply are necessary.Normal humidity for maintenance is 50 to 70%.

Direct sun is very dangerous, even if it is for a few hours in the evening or early morning. Protection from strong winds is a must.

Light and airy soils are preferred. You can use: a mixture of acadam, kanuma and leafy soil (1 : 1 : 2) or
humus, leafy soil, sand and peat (3 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 1).

Regular watering, does not tolerate drying of the soil. Does not like excessive lime, so it is important to water with quality water. Avoid overwatering. Spraying at temperatures above +18 ºC is useful, but without water droplets accumulating in the conifers - a light mist is enough to refresh the plant. It is recommended to install trays with wet stones to moisten the air near the plant.

Fertilize from spring through fall.

Every two to three years into a standard soil mix in spring with the onset of growth or in late summer.

Shaping and pruning:
To keep the crown compact and dense, foliage should be continually pinched throughout the growing season,
Avoid hard pruning in summer.Foliage in the shade will often die back during the winter. Excessive elongation of branches stops internal growth. Wire can be used throughout the year, but early fall is best.

Should be in a lighted room at a temperature of +12ºC to +15ºC.
Can overwinter quite well in colder conditions from +5ºC to +10ºC.

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